PRP Treatment

What is PRP?

PRP – (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a new techniques now being offered in the field of hair restoration. PRP is a non-surgical alternative that can help and aid in the battle with hair-loss and thinning. PRP can be performed either in conjunction during hair restoration procedure or as a stand-alone treatment which takes about 45 minutes.

PRP is naturally found in your own blood, hence it is very safe to perform with no risk of rejection or down-time. With the current technology, we are now able to harvest 5x the growth factors which naturally is found in the patient’s whole blood in a manner of spinning the whole blood in a centrifuge.

PRP is a great treatment for both men and women who are battling hair-loss and thinning. Benefits of PRP include increase in hair density, decrease shedding of hairs and reversal of miniaturization.


PRP – (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a non-surgical alternative in aiding against hair loss. The entire procedure on average takes around 45 minutes to an hour and it is a noninvasive method.

The treatment plan includes drawing up a small amount of blood which later is spun in a centrifuge for 14 minutes. Meanwhile the scalp is disinfected, a topical numbing cream is applied, and a derma-roller is performed.

Once the platelets and growth factors are separated, then a very small size needle is used (similar size to a Botox needle) to inject the growth factors into the thinning areas of the scalp. Then another procedure should be scheduled for a repeat series 6 to 8 weeks apart from the initial session.
