
What Is Liposuction?

Is there a part of your body that is as stubborn as the fat regions that refuse to disappear? If that’s what you think, you’re not alone. Most people have persistent fat in at least one or two areas of their body, regardless of their weight or shape. This is mostly caused by genetics and other uncontrollable factors. For many of us, weight loss requires a combination of body shaping, good nutrition and regular exercise, but some of us, as noted, live with stubborn fat residues that no exercise or any diet will change.

Liposuction is designed to remove excess fat tissue and reshape the body, but it is by no means a quick slimming tool. More specifically, liposuction surgery can help you shape your body, but it is not an alternative to diet, proper nutrition and daily exercise.

Fat cells in the body can be thought of as small balloons. When we overeat, these balloons swell, while when we eat less, the volume of these balloons decreases, but these balloons themselves remain in the body. The amount of balloons depends mainly on our heredity, and no diet will work to change the number of balloons. The diet not only shrinks the volume of balloons but reduces their numbers. In Liposuction, fat cells are removed from certain areas and thus the number of fat cells in our body is reduced.

Liposuction is a procedure that surgically removes areas of fatty tissue that have accumulated in certain parts of the body and cannot be destroyed by any diet or exercise. These fats can accumulate on the hips, hands, abdomen, hips or anywhere else in the body. During Liposuction, your doctor removes excess fat cells and redraws the outline of the body, leaving fewer fat cells in the body.

During Liposuction surgery, fat cells are pumped out of the skin but the skin tissue remains exactly the same. In order for the skin tissue to stick back into place, the skin must be flexible and elastic. Unfortunately, around the age of 50, the skin begins to lose its elasticity and results after liposuction will be less satisfactory at this age.

Liposuction Treatment Methods

There are many methods and techniques for Liposuction. Some are more traditional and some are newer… your doctor will determine which treatment is best for you based on your body characteristics, goals and expectations.

* Vaser Liposuction: In this method, fat cells are broken down by ultrasonic sound waves. As sound waves are emitted at a frequency that will only break down fat, they do not damage the nerve and vascular network or the skin. As the cannulas used in this method are smaller, the scar is very scarce and there is a very rapid recovery.

* PAL-power assisted Liposuction: in this method, the tip of the tube vibrates very quickly. This vibration allows the tube to pave its way and decompose into parts of the fat cells. As a result, it makes pumping capacity much faster, easier and more precise.

* Injecting the solution during pumping: instead of injecting the solution before the operation, the injection is done while the injection is done. The purpose of the action is to dissolve fatty clusters with a current of solutions.

* Ultrasound-based technique: breaking down fat cells using ultrasound energy, similar to the treatment of kidney stones. This technique has not become widespread because it has caused many damages and severe burns. Today, there are other methods that use ultrasound energy to break down clusters of fat cells. Some of these methods are safer, but they can also cause damage, heat and burns, and extend the duration of surgery.

* Techniques based on laser energy or radio waves: heating the tissue with laser energy or radio waves causes the fat cells to dissolve, making it easier to remove them through the cannula. In addition, heating helps shrink and tighten the skin. These methods allow more accurate and precise pumping, but have two obvious drawbacks: 1. The need to dissolve the fat and then pump it extends the duration of the surgery. 2. Careful study is needed as it can damage both deep tissues and skin and cause burns.

* Lipomatic is a preferred method in terms of allowing the option of anesthesia and less need for surgery combined with a tummy tuck. Lipomatic is usually applied to patients who are afraid to take general anesthesia and do not want to be accompanied by abdominal stretching. In addition, in this method, the recovery time and return to normal life occurs much faster. The lipomatic device is a preferred method for separating the fat from the tissues without damaging the connective tissues and for cleaning only the load lifted by the connective tissue.

Recovery Process After Liposuction

Immediately after surgery, you recover quickly, and after a short time you can stand up and walk and return home without hospitalization. At home, there may be discomfort, blue blotches and a feeling of stiffness in the operated areas, but the pain is not terrible and can be easily relieved by painkillers. Fluid discharge from small incisions can last for several days.

On the day of surgery, it is recommended to get out of bed and show moderate physical activity to reduce the risk of edema and blood clots in the legs. It is possible to return to full routine activity a few days after surgery.

Treatment results are slow and gradual. The final result is seen a few months later. But there are two ways the recovery can be accelerated:

  1. Wearing a tight corset: a type of body suit that suppresses tissue and speeds up the evacuation of its fluids.
  2. Lymphatic massage-a special and very sensitive massage that speeds up the evacuation of fluids into lymphatic tubes and lymph nodes.

Possible complications

Liposuction has been considered a safe procedure, but each patient has a different body structure, a different reaction to the surgical procedure, and differences in healing processes. There may also be differences between possible complications.
