Breast Reduction

Some women complain about the size of their breasts. In fact, women who complain about breast size don’t just have aesthetic concerns. Large breasts cause neck pains and back pains. Breast reduction surgery is a surgery that can change your life from end to end, restore freedom of movement, and reduce social discomfort and physical pain.

While reducing breast volume is the most important goal of the operation, the main goal of the operation is to improve the shape of the breast, correct the position, emphasize and design beautiful breasts while maintaining proportions.

The idea that beautiful breasts are big breasts is an outdated idea. In fact, having breasts with the right proportions is enough for a woman. The main goal of breast enlargement surgery and breast reduction surgery should be to have the right proportions. If your breasts are large and heavy, and therefore your participation in any activity is hindered, it is time to change if you are not able to wear what you want.

Large breasts can develop naturally at an early age and accompany you throughout your life. Your breasts may also grow as a result of pregnancy or weight gain.

Breast Reduction Treatment Methods

Breast reduction surgery is a complex procedure consisting of several stages. Breast tissue is removed to reduce the volume of the breast, because of the excess skin tissue changes the position of the nipple is corrected.

The removed tissue is carefully weighed to compare the second breast to get as symmetrical a result as possible. Breast placement is performed according to a precise measurement before performing the operation when the patient is standing. Raising the nipple and repositioning it with the tissue that connects it to the chest while feeding the blood and nerve is another important step of the operation.

Preparations for breast reduction surgery

Just as there are no two women with the exact same physical characteristics, there is no single treatment suitable for all women. In general, the preparation before breast reduction surgery is finished in two sessions. In the first session, your doctor will listen to your problems and expectations and examine you. In another session, the necessary technical measurements and marks are made for the surgery.

Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes 1.5 to 2 hours depending on the technique. The sutures used in the operation are self-melting sutures and do not need to be removed. After the operation, a drain is left in the operated area to drain the accumulated secretions or fluids. The patient’s discharge procedures are not performed until the fluid flow from the drain is finished. This condition requires 1 day stay in the hospital. Patients who have their final check-up the day after surgery are discharged.

Recovery After Breast Reduction Surgery

Recovery after the operation takes only a few days. In the early days, you may feel little chest pain or redness and swelling in the suture area, but these conditions are not expected to be strong and the patient can quickly return to normal activities. For strenuous exercise and sport, you need to wait about a month. It is recommended to use a supportive bra at first time. Until 1 year after the surgery, you should not be pregnant on behalf of the healthy end of the healing process.-

In this method, the wound is stored on an axis from the lower part of the chest to the armpit. The incisions heal rapidly and are almost invisible, reaching their final state after about 1 year.

On the day of surgery, you can get out of bed. Aside from avoiding heavy sport and strenuous activities, there are no other restrictions, you can get back to your routine quickly.

it is recommended to avoid activities such as tanning salons and sauna until your doctor permits, as this may increase the risk of edema.
