Breast Enlargement

Much of the sense of acceptance and self-confidence of so many women is somehow related to the size of their breasts. Breast augmentation is the process of enlarging small breasts and giving them the most appropriate shape to the new size. The breasts change shape due to the effects of time or factors such as birth. The main goal of breast enlargement is to make women in a happier mood thanks to a more proportionate and beautiful body.

The breast enlargement process takes into account various parameters such as height and width, anatomical structure, lifestyle and of course your expectations, and the size, boundaries and shape of the enlargement is planned. The resulting result should be natural, healthy and fully appropriate for your body size.

Your breasts are an integral part of your female identity. The decision to undergo breast augmentation is very personal and it is often difficult to take the first step.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgery practices worldwide today. These operations, which are an ideal solution for women who feel insecure, lacking or used to feeling feminine, should be performed by competent plastic surgeons with experience in the subject.

There is no uniform alternative to breast augmentation, every woman is different and chooses to undergo the operation due to various expectations. In this process, especially what results the patient expects, implant type, helps us to choose the appropriate treatment method.

Placement of implants:

The common method of placing breast implants is to place the implants from the bottom floor to the bottom. This method provides very precise control over the location and pocket size of the implant during surgery. The implant is placed in the breast fold in a sensitive way, it will hide the breast itself and prevent the implant from being visible.

Preparations for breast augmentation surgery

With more than 1000 types of implants to choose from, the implantation process is a comprehensive and long process aimed at achieving the most natural and quality results for you. Your doctor will perform a series of measurements that examine your chest structure, body structure (weight, height, width), lifestyle and dozens of similar parameters. Breast tissue thickness, nipple positions, breast structure, symmetry of breasts are the most important elements to be taken into account separately. The implant is the most suitable for you. As a result, by combining physiological data with your expectations, the number of implants that can be selected will be limited to 2-3 implants.

After you see the simulation of the future result, you can now make your final decision. You can do the type and size of the implants with your doctor. Your doctor will help you by making referrals when necessary. Remember that each operation is different from the other, and as a result of the operation, each woman will eventually emerge with a different breast structure that is optimized for her.

Breast augmentation operation

Breast augmentation surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 1 hour. At the end of the operation, you will remain under surveillance for several hours and can return home without having to be hospitalized. In some cases, if the operation starts at noon, your doctor may ask you to stay in the hospital overnight.

Recovery After Breast Augmentation Surgery

The healing process after breast augmentation depends on the type of implant and the placement of the implant above or below the Nov. The healing process is faster in relatively new implants, which can adapt to the size of cells in the body. The breast softens rapidly, pain is minimal and there is no swelling. So it’s possible that within a few days you feel like you’ve never had surgery. With these implants, you can resume physical activity once a week within a few days.

After the operation, you should not wet the operated area for several days. After a few days you can drive and continue your daily life.

Breast Augmentation Surgery-Frequently Asked Questions

When can I have breast augmentation surgery after birth?

In principle, the operation can be performed 6 months after the end of breastfeeding to ensure the time for the body to return to its previous state and to prevent non-sterile milk secretion during surgery. Another reason to expect this process is that it is difficult to choose the right implant in breasts that are growing and swelling due to breastfeeding.

Can I breastfeed after breast enlargement?

Yes, you can safely breastfeed your baby after the operation. Implants do not affect milk production in any way positively or negatively. The Implant is not in the breast. Therefore, it does not affect your breastfeeding in any way.

Are breast implants better under or over the muscle?

Implants can be placed under or above the muscle,

Are there any scars after breast surgery?

No. An incision must be made to place the breast implant. However, the surgeon who performed the surgery will sew the wound areas with the appropriate suture and best cover. Therefore, the absence of traces after the operation is directly related to your doctor’s experience.

What is the recovery time from breast enlargement surgery?

It is possible to return to normal life 4-5 days after surgery. However, he can return to strong physical activity after 4-5 weeks, including exercise. In the first days after surgery, pain can be tolerated with painkillers.
